
Terms And Conditions

Read the terms and conditions of enrolment to Abbey College Manchester below.


The offer of a place only becomes unconditional upon receipt of a non-refundable registration fee of £500, a deposit of £2000, copies of school transcripts/reports/results and a copy of the student’s passport photo page. The deposit balance is used for examination fees, textbooks, extras and trips. The remaining balance is refunded only upon completion of the agreed programme of study.

All College tuition fees are payable yearly or twice yearly in advance, and are due on or before the first day of term or 14 days from the date of invoice, whichever is sooner. Domestic Students also have the option to pay fees in 10 monthly instalments. The College itself does not hold a consumer credit license and is not able to provide credit to parents other than in advance via a direct debit arrangement through a third party licensed under the Consumer Credit Act. The Principal reserves the right to exclude from college or from examinations any student whose fees remain outstanding after the due date.

Unless otherwise indicated, all prices exclude VAT.



The offer of a place at the College is valid for two weeks from the date it was made. Those accepting after some delay must check with the Principal to make sure that the place remains available. This enrolment form does not reserve a place at the College. The Principal reserves the right to make an offer of a place on the strength of the application. Students are required to have achieved a minimum academic standard equivalent to 5 passes at grade C or above in GCSE, or an equivalent examination in order to be accepted onto an A Level course or the International Foundation Programme. The College may also request students pass an additional academic entrance test before being offered a place at the College.

As part of the registration process at the College, students starting an A Level course may be tested on Mathematics to determine their suitability for Mathematics or Further Mathematics courses. Students with Academic English below 6.5 may also be tested on English Language.


Students must have an acceptable standard of English before starting an academic course at the College. For A Level courses, students must have a minimum of grade C at GCSE or IGCSE English Language or hold an IELTS pass of 5.0 (or equivalent) or above in each skill. For our International Foundation Programme students must have a minimum of grade C at GCSE or IGCSE English Language or hold an IELTS pass of 5.0 (or equivalent) or above in each skill. Students may be asked to sit an Abbey DLD College English test if they do not posses an English qualification approved by UKVI (UK Visa and Immigration).

This test gives an Academic English-equivalent score and will be used to determine whether a student is at the required level to start their chosen academic course. Students who are below the target entry grade will be advised to join a full time English language course at the college for a suitable period of time before commencing A Level or Foundation courses.

At the start of each academic year of study students following an A Level course without a pass at grade C in GCSE or IGCSE English Language or with an IELTS score below 6.5 (or equivalent) must join an English-language training course for the duration of the academic year which will be timetabled alongside A Level lessons. Students following the English language training course have the opportunity to sit the IELTS examination at the end of their first and second year of study.


Notice of withdrawal before the end of a course must be given to the Principal in writing not less than one full term in advance. If notice is given later than this, then the subsequent term’s fees become payable in full.

Absence from class for whatever reason, including sickness, does not qualify for a refund of fees, nor can the college be expected to provide extra lessons without charge to compensate for such absences. If a student is excluded on disciplinary grounds, the fees for the term remain payable.


Attendance for lessons, tests and examination feedback is a requirement for all students at Abbey DLD Colleges. Students who have persistent unexplained absences face exclusion from the College in accordance with the Colleges disciplinary procedure. Please note that if a student misses 10 expected contacts without the College’s permission, the College is obliged to inform the UK Visa and Immigration Agency, and this may affect the student’s permission to remain in the UK. Attendance and punctuality is required to be at least 90% throughout the duration of the course. Abbey DLD Colleges will withhold refunds where the reason for failure to attend arises from a visa refusal as a consequence of submitting forged or false documents.


Timetables may be revised at short notice should circumstances demand it. Wherever possible, students will be notified of this in advance. If there is insufficient demand for a course then we will offer private tuition with a number of reduced hours in lieu of the full course. The Principal also reserves the right to modify academic programmes or examination entries, or to exclude any student whose work or conduct is deemed by the College to be unsatisfactory.


Abbey DLD Colleges aim to provide a caring and productive environment in which our students can enjoy their studies and fulfil their potential. To support this aim, the College produces a Student Handbook to assist which is intended to provide guidance for all students about life at the College. It also provides further details about various Colleges policies and procedures that students must observe whilst at the College.

These include statements about:


The College requires up to date contact details for all students and their parents or guardians. All students must give the College their term time address and a contact telephone number. Students must inform Reception/Administration if either changes.


Students must make every effort to complete homework on time. Failure to do so will result in a study detention, unless prior consent has been given. Regular testing is a key element of Abbey DLD College programmes and students must undertake these tests at a frequency determined by the College. Persistent failure in these examinations or non-attendance without prior notification will result in the student being excluded from the College. In this event, the fees for the term will be payable in full.


It is essential that students attend every day of term. Permission will not be granted to students either to extend College Holidays or take holidays during term time, except in exceptional circumstances. See the separate Term Dates’ document for all term dates.


We treat our students as young adults and expect a friendly, courteous and hard working atmosphere to prevail. Any student who detracts from this will face a Disciplinary Meeting with senior staff of the College and a formal warning. Continued disruption may lead to suspension or expulsion from the College. Behaviour or attitudes that are deemed unacceptable include bullying, rudeness to other college members or any form of prejudice or racism.


Smoking is not permitted inside any of the College buildings.

Students who appear under the influence of alcohol will be excluded.  Students may be permanently excluded or given a final written warning depending on the circumstances

Any student who, in the opinion of the Principal appears to be under the influence of illegal drugs, or who have brought illegal drugs into any of the College buildings, will be immediately excluded. The Principal reserves the right to require students to undertake testing for drugs if, in the opinion of the Principal, it is appropriate to do so.

Each student will be issued with a copy of, and will be required to adhere to, the College’s Student Handbook.



From time to time the College maybe required to supply references to other educational establishments (for example Universities). Furthermore, students and/or parents consent to the College making use of information relating to the student whilst attending the College and after leaving the College for reasons connected to the ongoing management of the College. It is the College’s general practice to include some images of students in the College prospectus, website and newsletters. Consent may be withdrawn for the use of a student’s image appearing in any such promotional material. The College will always comply with any applicable data protection legislation.


Students are personally responsible for their own safety and are jointly and individually liable for any damage caused by them to the premises where they are taught. The College does not accept liability for accidental injury or other loss caused to the student or parents or for loss or damage to property unless such injury, loss or damage is due to the negligence of the College.

The College shall not be liable in the event of enforced closure due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control including, without limitation, force majeure, malicious damage, failure of technical facilities or infectious disease. The College shall ensure arrangements are implemented in a timely manner to ensure it can reasonably meet the education and welfare needs of the student.

All students are personally responsible for ensuring that they are entered correctly for examinations.

Abbey Manchester
Open Morning, Friday 28th February @9.30am