
University Guidance

The college is committed to ensuring that our students gain places on the best and most appropriate degree course and that they are equipped with the skills needed to thrive at university.

Our students gain entry to a wide range of competitive courses and leading universities each year.

Please click here to see our university guidance leaflet

Expert University Support Team

In both Year 12 and Year 13 students receive support and guidance from our specialist University Support Team who guide students through the UCAS process and ensure they make the right choices to build a competitive application.

There is a strong focus on developing our students as effective learners and equipping them for the challenges of university study.

5Rs and Success in the Sixth Form

We support our students to become effective learners – equipping them with the skills to be successful at A-level, Combined Studies and International Foundation as well as gaining the confidence, the capacity and the appetite to engage with the challenges of learning at university

The 5Rs provide the emphasis on developing the habits of routine, rigour, responsibility, resilience and reflection

There is weekly support to help students develop their ability to plan, monitor, understand and manage their own learning.  To learn more click here.

UCAS Application Programme

The Abbey College Manchester application programme is designed to guide students through each stage of the UCAS process, as follows:

  • An introduction to UK universities and the UCAS process
  • Guidance in researching suitable universities and courses
  • Specialist programmes and support for Oxbridge and competitive courses/universities
  • Specialist Medical preparation programme
  • Help with the UCAS application procedure
  • Advice on writing an effective Personal Statement
  • Support with finding relevant work experience
  • Preparation for taking the IELTS exam
  • Guidance on interview techniques through practice sessions
  • Advice on reviewing offers and the best options

Oxbridge University preparation

Making an application to Oxford or Cambridge involves a number of additional stages compared to applications for other UK institutions. To support students through this process and to ensure they are as prepared and competitive as possible we offer a programme which starts in Year 12; this provides:

  • Support and guidance e.g. on wider reading, mock interviews, and guidance on how to prepare for entrance tests
  • A talk on personal statements for Oxford and Cambridge applications
  • Support in completing additional forms e.g. the Supplementary Application Questionnaire (SAQ)
  • Mock interview practice
  • A series of final preparation sessions in the weeks prior to interviews

Medical and Dental preparation programme

Our Medical and Dental preparation programme guides students through the entire application process, from choice of medical/dental school, drafting the personal statement to accepting an offer.

It provides:

  • A thorough understanding of what a medical/dental career will involve
  • The opportunity to discuss medical ethics and current medical issues
  • Advice on how to write an effective personal statement for medicine/dentistry and make the most of work and voluntary experiences
  • Interview preparation: both traditional and Multi-mini interviews
  • Input from UCLAN via their academics
  • Advice on other medically related courses and how to use the fifth choice on the UCAS form

University Skills Programme

This gives students the opportunity carry out a university research project which can gain them extra university credits.

The programme offers students a practical introduction to how to study effectively at university in terms of:

  • Reading and make notes for research
  • Using lectures effectively
  • Making the most of seminars/tutorials and make effective oral presentations
  • Developing effective university writing
  • Developing critical and analytical thinking skills

University Links

We have special links in particular with the following universities who visit the college and contribute to our preparation programmes:

  • Aston University
  • Chester University
  • Keele University
  • Lancaster University
  • Liverpool John Moore University
  • Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Newcastle University
  • Plymouth University
  • St George’s Grenada University
  • Teesside University
  • Ua92
  • University of Bradford
  • University of Central Lancashire
  • University of Southampton
  • University of the West of England


Abbey Manchester
Open Morning, Friday 28th February @9.30am