College Life

Life at Abbey College Manchester offers a unique, rich learning experience with outstanding pastoral support and welfare and a range of enrichment activities.

The vision is to create all-rounded students who excel academically and develop their emotional, interpersonal and social skills in readiness for their university lives and beyond.

Our community is made up of young people from many different countries as well as from a variety of backgrounds, faiths and cultures within Manchester and the surrounding area. The students are valued and nurtured within an environment where the principal emphasis is that of respect and value for one another.

Findings from our Independent Schools Inspection Report March 2023

Academic achievement: Excellent

  • Pupils of all ages display excellent knowledge, skills and understanding across the curriculum and achieve highly in academic areas.
  • Pupils have extremely positive attitudes to learning, responding to challenges with commitment and enthusiasm.
  • Pupils’ mathematical skills are well developed, and they apply these successfully to other areas of learning.
  • Pupil’s study skills, their ability to hypothesise, analyse and synthesise are very well developed.

Personal Development: Excellent

  • Pupils’ self-understanding and self-confidence are excellent, they are resilient and know how to improve their own learning.
  • Pupils’ respect for each other, their own and other cultures is excellent.
  • Pupils have a very well-developed moral understanding.
Abbey Manchester
Join us in September

Join Abbey College Manchester in September 2024

Day and Boarding places available this September for students aged 14 – 21 years.

Join our GCSE, A Level, International Foundation, and Combined Studies Programmes.