Iain Stewart

Iain has been at Abbey College Manchester since 2007 during which time he has presided in a strong growth of student numbers. His responsibilities cover the managing of domestic marketing strategy and activities; international student applications; visa compliance and operational matters.

As well as a first class degree in Economics and an MBA, Iain brought to the college over 20 years top management experience, acquired most recently with Manchester Enterprises (now Manchester Solutions), and previously with blue chip brand organisations Guinness, Dawson International Plc (home of high end designer brands Pringle and Edina Ronay) and ConocoPhillipsUK.

In his free time he is an avid walker, traveller, reader and photographer. During weekends he is often to be found pottering in his garden or down at his allotment in his attempts at growing perfect fruit and vegetables.

Abbey Manchester
Join us in September

Join Abbey College Manchester in September 2024

Day and Boarding places available this September for students aged 14 – 21 years.

Join our GCSE, A Level, International Foundation, and Combined Studies Programmes.

