
Guidance for the Exam Season

17th May 24

With public examination season just around the corner, it can be a stressful time of the year for many students. Chris Randell, Principal, shares his advice…

The forthcoming period will certainly have its worries but, it’s important to remember that exam results do not define an individual. When preparing, think about quality of work rather than quantity, as ultimately this is going to have the biggest impact. At Abbey College Manchester, where Year 11 and Year 13 students have been busy preparing, practising and finishing their courses, we like to talk to our students about the 5Ps for exams:

  • Plan
  • Prepare
  • Process
  • Persevere
  • Practise

Plan for intensive revision periods. Take into consideration active note-taking, self-testing, recall, analytical and discursive writing – and, don’t forget to schedule breaks. You need time to reflect, rest and relax; go out for a walk, run, or cycle ride, and plan for sleep, food and social time too.

Prepare your workspace and routine. Despite what many may think, silence works best for revision. Are you an early-bird or a night owl? Do not work at 6am if you know you work best and are more productive in the evening but, don’t work late if you need to be up early. Do what works best for you.

Process your revision. Do not just sit and read your book or notes. I would recommend making notes, drawing diagrams, mind maps and flashcards; be active.

Practise exam questions. There is little point in learning lots if you do not know how to answer the 20 mark question at the end of the paper. It’s important to ask your teachers to help out.

Persevere, and don’t give up. It is hard, it’s meant to be. You will however be fine, so keep going.

Abbey Manchester
Open Morning, Friday 28th February @9.30am