Saniya, a Year 13 student at Abbey College Manchester, has won First Place in the Animation Category for Key Stage 5 at the prestigious ISA Film and Animation Competition 2024. Her short animated film, “Welcome to my Head,” impressed the judges with its creativity and technical prowess. The ISA Film and Animation Competition is a…
With public examination season just around the corner, it can be a stressful time of the year for many students. Chris Randell, Principal, shares his advice… The forthcoming period will certainly have its worries but, it’s important to remember that exam results do not define an individual. When preparing, think about quality of work rather…
The Football Academy students recently had the unique opportunity to participate in a football masterclass at Broadhurst Park, Manchester, led by football legend Mike Phelan and his team. The intrigued students, who are part of the innovative Academic Studies with Football training programme, started the day with two seminars guided by Dave Horrocks, an elite…
UPDATE: We are thrilled that Saba was awarded FIRST place at the national final for her drawing and Emily SECOND place for her outfit in the textiles category. Many congratulations to both girls on their national success at the prestigious Independent Schools Association (ISA) National Art Competition Finals. Abbey College Manchester is celebrating the…
Students and staff members are celebrating today (17 August) following another year of outstanding A Level results. The jubilant cohort of students obtained their results from the Manchester-based college this morning, with an impressive overall pass rate of 97.5% achieved. Year upon year, the college continues to secure excellent results with 2023 being no exception….
The whole college community is jubilant after being awarded ‘excellent’ in every category by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI). The ISI inspectors gave Abbey Manchester College the highest rating possible in recognition of ‘the pupils’ academic development and other achievements’ and of the ‘quality of the pupils’ personal development’. The inspector commented: “Pupils of all…
Students at the college recently gained an invaluable insight into environmentally-friendly textile development from Meryl Fabrics®, pioneers in hi-tech sustainable materials and owners of the first in-house circular economy offering in textiles. With a passion to support future generations in making a difference, members of the Meryl Fabrics team were welcomed into college where they…
This half term we held our Creative Writing Competition with the theme of Manchester. Students were invited to write 300 words which could be non fiction, fiction or poetry. James, Gilly and Karen from the English department had the tricky task of judging the entries, but all agreed the winner was Ada in Year 13…
Gifted artist and Abbey College Manchester student Jedidah, has been highly-commended for her exceptional creative talent in a prestigious national art competition. Jedidah, who studied A Levels here, achieved a much-coveted second-place prize at this year’s ISA National Art Competition for her hand-drawn masterpiece, ‘Imperfections’. The intricate portrait was entered into the ‘2D Art Individual…
Abbey College Manchester has enhanced its student welfare provision with the creation and opening of a dedicated wellbeing area. Situated in the heart of the city centre-based college and accessible for all, the new facility offers a quiet and relaxing sanctuary for students to use throughout the school day, including before and after lessons, and…