Category: College News

An Introduction to Abbey College Manchester

30th June 20

As the college buildings are currently closed and we are unable to welcome visitors to explore the opportunities available to them at Abbey College Manchester, on Thursday 25th June the college hosted a Webinar to present an introduction of the college virtually to interested students. A recording of the presentation cam be viewed below. We…

End of Year Virtual Art Exhibition

30th June 20

Unfortunately, as the college buildings are closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we were unable to hold our annual end of year student’s art exhibition as normal.  But we are not going to let a global pandemic stop us celebrating the amazing talents of our art and photography students. We have produced this virtual ‘art…

September 2020 Colleges Reopening Message

19th June 20

Abbey DLD is committed to providing a safe environment for all students, and preparations are being made to ensure that when our colleges reopen this September, all students are welcomed into a safe environment. Prior to the closure of UK schools in late March, our colleges introduced enhanced measures to ensure the safety of both…

Webinar: An Introduction to Academic Studies with Football Training

20th May 20

View the recording from our recent webinar: ‘An Introduction to Academic Studies with Football Training’  This Webinar was hosted by Liz Elam, Principal of Abbey College Manchester & Chris Randall, Assistant Principal of Abbey College Manchester. The Academic Studies with Football Programme offers the opportunity to study our GCSE, A-Level, Combined Studies or International…

Webinar: Getting into UK Medical Schools: tips and guidance

15th May 20

View our recent webinar on getting into top UK medical schools </iframJoin Liz Elam, Principal at Abbey College Manchester and Dr Julian Davies, Principal at Abbey College Cambridge to find out how you can unlock your potential and study at the UK’s best medical schools. This webinar is for students aged between 14 – 18 years…

Learning continues via distance learning

27th March 20

As schools were preparing for shutdown during this strange and uncertain time that we are currently in, lots of planning and preparation was going on behind the scenes to ensure that even if it’s not a case of “lessons as normal” we can certainly ensure “learning as normal”. Using Microsoft Teams, all of the students…

Business Insight for Students

25th February 20

On Tuesday 25th February, aspiring business leaders at the college given an invaluable insight into the industry from Mohamed Parker, Principal Lecturer and International Lead at Lancashire School of Business and Enterprise, UCLAN. Mohamed spoke to A Level Business and Economics students and delivered a highly-engaging session to share his much-valued knowledge on the challenges…

Welcome to our new Abbey College Manchester website!

4th October 19

Welcome to our new Abbey College Manchester website. We’ve created the new site to truly reflect our friendly, aspirational central Manchester college. Keep an eye out for updates and developments over the coming weeks, and don’t forget to check here for regular news updates on all things Abbey Manchester!

Abbey Manchester
Join us in September

Join Abbey College Manchester in September 2024

Day and Boarding places available this September for students aged 14 – 21 years.

Join our GCSE, A Level, International Foundation, and Combined Studies Programmes.